Created and directed by Luis Bravo, Forever Tango has touched the souls of millions worldwide since its inception in San Francisco in 1994, where it thrilled audiences for nearly two years. Called "A must-see" by the New York Times, Forever Tango originally opened on Broadway 1997 where it played the more...
Walter Kerr and Marquis Theatres for fourteen months and earned multiple Tony and Drama Desk Award nominations. Celebrated by critics and audiences alike, the international sensation returned to Broadway's Shubert Theater for a limited four month engagement in 2004.
Gilberto Santa Rosa is one of the most successful Latin music vocalists in the world, having achieved, to date, fourteen #1 hits on Billboard's Tropical Airplay chart, a multitude of Gold, Platinum and Multi-Platinum albums and five Grammy Awards. Santa Rosa has the honor of being the artist with the most #1 hits on Billboard's Tropical Albums chart (11 total).
Forever Tango is music, drama, culture, a way of life. The popularity of tango has exploded all over the world. Sensuous and sophisticated, the tango is a feeling that you dance. A story is channeled through the flick of the leg, the tug of a hand, the tap of a foot, and the arch of an eyebrow. It's passionate, yet melancholic. Tender, yet violent. You dance it with somebody, but it is so internal, you dance it by yourself. Sixteen world-class tango dancers, one vocalist and the eleven-piece Forever Tango orchestra will leave you breathless.