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Angels in America Broadway Original Cast Revival

Angels in America Broadway

A quarter-century after stunning the theater world, one of the greatest theatrical journeys of our time returns to Broadway in an acclaimed new production from the National Theatre. As politically incendiary as any play in the American canon, Angels in America also manages to be, at turns, hilariously irreverent and heartbreakingly humane. It is also astonishingly relevant, speaking every bit as urgently to our anxious times as it did when it first premiered. Tackling Reaganism, McCarthyism, immigration, religion, climate change, and AIDS against the backdrop of New York City in the mid-1980's, no contemporary drama has succeeded so indisputably with so ambitious a scope.


Patrick Andrews, a versatile artist known for his dynamic stage presence, has an impressive resume that includes performances in "The Iceman Cometh" alongside Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy, and the regional premiere of "Red" at the Goodman Theatre—both directed by Robert Falls. more...

Glynis Bell, a seasoned actress with a rich history in regional theatre and Broadway, including roles in A Doll's House, Part 2 and My Fair Lady, is thrilled to have been a part of the glorious Angels in America. more...

Susan Brown, who portrayed Hannah Pitt in "Angels in America," boasts an impressive array of stage credits, including notable performances in "Husbands & Sons" at the National Theatre and "Good People" at the Noel Coward Theatre, as well as a memorable role as Septa Mordane in the television series "Game of Thrones." more...

Andrew Garfield, an Academy Award-nominated actor known for his transformative performances, recently starred as Prior Walter in the National Theatre's production of Angels in America, directed by Tony Award-winning Marianne Elliott. more...

Denise Gough's remarkable portrayal of Harper in Marianne Elliot's revival of Tony Kushner's "Angels in America" at the National Theatre in 2017 earned her the 2018 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, a role she reprised in the Broadway transfer in February 2018. more...
Curt James, who has an impressive array of theater credits including War Horse and Much Ado About Nothing, brought his extensive experience to the cast of Angels in America. more...

Nathan Lane, a highly acclaimed actor with a career spanning over four decades, won the Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for his portrayal of Roy Cohn in Tony Kushner's "Angels in America" in 2018. more...

Amanda Lawrence, known for her extensive work in theatre, notably performed in the National Theatre's production of Angels in America, showcasing her versatility across a range of critically acclaimed plays. more...
Beth Malone, who brought her remarkable talent to the stage in "Angels in America," was previously nominated for a 2015 Tony Award for her groundbreaking role as "Alison" in "Fun Home." more...

James McArdle, who garnered exceptional reviews for his role in Angels in America, went on to star in the feature film Mary Queen of Scots immediately after finishing his run in the acclaimed production. more...
Mark Nelson, a seasoned Broadway actor with ten shows under his belt, has delivered memorable performances such as Herr Schultz in Cabaret and Einstein in Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and was part of Sam Mendes' The Bridge Project; his dedication to "Angels in America" honors the memory of Tony, Jim, Bill, Howard, and Scott. more...

Matty Oaks, making his Broadway debut in "Angels in America," has previously impressed Off-Broadway audiences with performances in "Angel Reapers" and "The Tempest," and was part of the original cast of the award-winning "Sleep No More." more...
Genesis Oliver, making his Broadway debut in "Angels in America," has an impressive Off-Broadway and regional theatre resume, including notable performances in "Empathitrax" and "We Are Proud To Present..." more...

Lee Pace, known for his award-nominated performances in The Normal Heart on Broadway and Guardians Off-Broadway, brings his extensive stage experience to Angels in America, having previously captivated audiences with his powerful portrayals in both theater and film. more...

Jane Pfitsch, known for her roles in Broadway revivals such as Cabaret (2014), Les Liaisons Dangereuses (2008), and Company (2007), brings her extensive stage experience, including a Helen Hayes nomination, to the cast of Angels in America. more...
Lee Aaron Rosen, a versatile actor with a rich career spanning major motion pictures, indie films, and prestigious stage productions, notably worked with playwright Tony Kushner, contributing to the legacy of *Angels in America* in past performances. more...

Rowan Ian Seamus made his Broadway debut in the acclaimed revival of "Angels in America" at the Neil Simon Theater, a production that earned a Tony Award for Best Revival. more...

Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, known for his dynamic performance in the National Theatre's production of Angels in America, has an extensive theatre background including roles in The Pitchfork Disney, Wig Out, The History Boys, and Big White Fog. more...

Ron Todorowski, who appeared in the Broadway production of "Angels in America," has an extensive career that includes performances in iconic shows such as "Cats," "Finding Neverland," and "Wicked," as well as a Helen Hayes Award-winning role in the 1st National Tour of "Movin’ Out." more...

Silvia Vrskova, hailing from Slovakia, brought her diverse talents to the cast of Angels in America, having previously graced stages in productions like Fiddler on the Roof on Broadway and performed with Cirque du Soleil and Celine Dion's "A New Day." more...

Lucy York, an original cast member of Sleep No More in New York, and a seasoned performer at venues like the Metropolitan Opera and the Beacon Theater, made her Broadway debut in Angels in America. more...

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Awards and Nominations

2018 BroadwayWorld Awards
Best Featured Actor in a Play: Nathan Lane won.
Best Leading Actor in a Play: Andrew Garfield won.

2018 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actor in a Play: Andrew Garfield won.
Outstanding Actor in a Play: James McArdle was nominated but did not win.
Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play: Nathan Lane won.

2018 Outer Critics Circle Awards
Outstanding Actor in a Play: Andrew Garfield won.
Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play: Nathan Lane won.
Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play: Denise Gough was nominated but did not win.

2018 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play: Nathan Lane won.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play: Andrew Garfield won.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Susan Brown was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Denise Gough was nominated but did not win.
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