The final production of our 2019/20 season, Peerless by Jiehae Park, is a darkly comedic twist on Shakespeare's Macbeth, set in the cutthroat world of elite college admissions. This new version of the classic story centers on M and L, twin Asian-American siblings who have given up everything to get more...
into The College. When another classmate (who happens to be one-sixteenth Native American) claims what they feel is rightfully "their spot," the twins find themselves with only one option: murder. Directed by Margot Bordelon, the Primary Stages production of Peerless will include an unprecedented two weeks of Free Student Matinee Performances for NYC Public school students. As the only major theater company in the city that offers student matinees completely free-of-charge, Primary Stages is thrilled to serve more students than ever before during our 35th Anniversary Season.