"Oliver!" is a heart-wrenching and captivating musical based on Charles Dickens' classic novel, Oliver Twist. The story transports you to the grimy underbelly of Victorian London, where young Oliver, an orphan, escapes a brutal workhouse and a cruel apprenticeship. Cast out on the streets, he falls in with more...
Fagin, a cunning leader of a gang of petty thieves. Oliver's innocence and unwavering hope shine a light in this harsh world.
The musical follows Oliver's journey as he navigates a world of crime and hardship. He finds a glimmer of friendship in Nancy, a kind-hearted prostitute, but danger lurks around every corner. As Oliver is forced to participate in daring robberies and faces betrayal, a wealthy gentleman named Mr. Brownlow takes notice of his plight, offering a chance at a better life. The climax of the musical involves a tense chase and a dramatic rescue, revealing a long-held secret that changes Oliver's destiny forever.
"Oliver!" features powerful performances, a beautiful score by Lionel Bart, and iconic songs like "Food, Glorious Food" and the hopeful "Where Is Love?" It's a timeless story that celebrates the enduring power of hope, friendship, and the fight for a better life, even amidst the harshest realities.