Mark Blum, who graced both Broadway and Off-Broadway stages, was part of the cast in "Mizlansky/Zilinsky" and is known for his extensive work in theater, film, and television. more...
Nathan Lane, a celebrated actor with a career spanning both stage and screen, brought his immense talent to "Mizlansky Zilinsky or 'Schmucks'," adding to his extensive list of theatrical achievements. more...
Larry Pine, a seasoned actor with an extensive career in theater, film, and television, brought his remarkable talent to the stage in "Mizlansky Zilinsky or 'Schmucks'," further solidifying his dedication to the art of storytelling. more...
Lewis J. Stadlen, known for his Tony-nominated performances in the 1996 production of *A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum* and the 1974 production of *Candide*, brought his extensive Broadway experience to the cast of *Mizlansky Zilinsky or 'Schmucks'* more...