Merrily We Roll Along isn't your typical musical. With a unique backward chronology, it tells the story of Franklin Shepard, a once-promising composer, and his two lifelong friends, lyricist Charley Kringas and writer Mary Flynn. The show starts with a jaded Franklin in 1976, surrounded by superficiality and more...
We then embark on a poignant journey backwards in time. Each scene peels back a layer, revealing a key moment in their friendship and careers. We witness their youthful idealism, their struggles and triumphs as they chase their dreams in the vibrant world of New York theater. The songs, filled with Stephen Sondheim's signature wit and emotional depth, capture the joys and heartbreaks of their journey. Merrily We Roll Along is a bittersweet exploration of friendship, ambition, and the price of success, leaving a lasting impression with its unconventional storytelling and powerful music.