Rob Evan, a seasoned actor with over two decades of experience, brought his immense talent to the stage in a past production of Little Shop of Horrors. more...
James Ludwig, who was part of the cast of Little Shop of Horrors on Broadway, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, and film/TV, and is also the owner of Back40 Films, producing "The Happy Hour Guys." more...
Billy Porter, a Tony and Grammy Award-winning actor, showcased his theatrical prowess in the past with his performance in the iconic musical Little Shop of Horrors. more...
Alice Ripley, who The New York Times called “simply astonishing,” is a versatile actor and singer-songwriter known for her Tony Award-winning performance as Diana in Next to Normal, and she has also brought her remarkable talent to productions like The Who’s Tommy, Sunset Boulevard, The Rocky Horror Show, and American Psycho. more...
Reg Rogers, known for his acclaimed stage performances and recent television roles, has also showcased his talent in past productions like Little Shop of Horrors. more...