Grover Dale, an accomplished dancer and choreographer, made a significant impact on Broadway with his performances in the 1950s, including his role in "Li'l Abner." more...
Bonnie Evans, known for her roles in "The Astral Factor" (1978), "The Ladies Man" (1961), and "The Carol Burnett Show," brought her versatile talent to the stage in "Li'l Abner." more...
Al Nesor, born on March 31, 1911, in New York City, was an actor known for his roles in films such as "Hot Stuff" and "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians," and was part of the cast of "Li'l Abner" in its earlier days. more...
Julie Newmar, who originally dazzled audiences as Stupefyin' Jones in the Broadway production of "Li'l Abner," made a remarkable return to the role 42 years later in a revival, astonishing audiences by performing in the same costume. more...