Les Misérables, a towering figure in the world of musicals, is an epic tale of redemption, revolution, and the enduring human spirit. Adapted from Victor Hugo's classic novel, the story unfolds in 19th century France, following Jean Valjean, a man relentlessly pursued by the law after serving time for stealing more...
a loaf of bread.
Valjean's journey is one of transformation. Paroled but forever branded an ex-convict, he struggles to find acceptance and a chance to start anew. The narrative interweaves with the fates of others caught in the social and political turmoil of the time, including the idealistic student revolutionary Marius Pontmercy and the fallen factory worker Fantine, who sacrifices everything for her daughter Cosette.
Les Misérables is a powerful musical experience. Soaring operatic scores like "I Dreamed a Dream," "One Day More," and "Do You Hear the People Sing?" capture the characters' emotions and the revolutionary fervor. The intricate plot, woven with themes of justice, love, and the fight for a better life, leaves a lasting impression on audiences.