La Cage aux Folles, meaning "The Cage of the Crazy Ones" in French, is a landmark musical bursting with humor, heart, and acceptance. Set in the vibrant world of a Saint-Tropez drag nightclub, the story revolves around Georges, the charming owner, and Albin, his flamboyant partner who performs under the more...
spotlight as the dazzling drag queen Zaza. Despite not being a married couple, they've built a loving family with Georges' son, Jean-Michel. When Jean-Michel announces his engagement to the daughter of a conservative politician, hilarious chaos ensues as Georges and Albin try to create a facade of a "normal" family to impress the in-laws. La Cage aux Folles isn't just a laugh-out-loud comedy; it's a celebration of love in all its forms and a powerful message of staying true to yourself. Upbeat songs like "We Are What We Are" and "I Am What I Am" are testaments to self-acceptance and the importance of individuality, making La Cage aux Folles a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.