Alix Korey, a seasoned Broadway actress known for her roles in shows like "All Shook Up" and "Chicago," brought her extensive experience to the cast of "Jack's Holiday," adding another notable performance to her impressive career. more...
Mark Lotito, known for his Broadway roles in Jersey Boys, Fiddler on the Roof, and The Producers, brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of Jack's Holiday. more...
Michael X. Martin, who has an extensive Broadway resume including shows like Wicked and My Fair Lady, was also part of the cast of Jack's Holiday, showcasing his versatile talent in both stage and screen performances. more...
Michael Mulheren, a Tony and Drama Desk Award nominee, brought his extensive Broadway experience to the cast of Jack's Holiday, having previously appeared in notable productions like Kiss Me Kate, Spider-Man, and The Boy From Oz. more...
Dennis Parlato, known for his extensive Broadway credits including "A Chorus Line" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," as well as his memorable TV roles on "One Life to Live" and "Santa Barbara," brought his seasoned talent to the cast of "Jack's Holiday" more...
Henry Stram, who made his LCT debut in Jack's Holiday, boasts an impressive Broadway resume including The Elephant Man and Titanic, as well as notable Off-Broadway performances and an Obie Award for Sustained Excellence. more...