Jonathan Freeman, known for his Tony-nominated performance in She Loves Me and his iconic voice role as Jafar in Disney's Aladdin, brought his extensive stage experience to In a Pig's Valise. more...
Nathan Lane, a decorated actor with a career spanning decades, brought his immense talent to the stage in "In a Pig's Valise," showcasing the versatility that has earned him numerous accolades, including three Tony Awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. more...
Michael McCormick, who boasts an impressive Broadway resume including roles in "Wicked" and "Hello, Dolly!", brought his extensive experience to the cast of "In a Pig's Valise" in a performance that showcased his versatile talent. more...
Thom Sesma, who boasts a diverse heritage and a rich career spanning Broadway, television, and film, brought his unique talents to the stage in *In a Pig's Valise*, showcasing his commitment to diversity and inclusion in the arts. more...