Following his stunning RSC adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies (2013/14), Mike Poulton turned his pen to the thrilling world of Ancient Rome with a brand-new version of Robert Harris’ best-selling Cicero Trilogy.
Cicero, the greatest orator of his age, devoted all his energy and cunning more...
to preserve the rule of law, and defend Rome’s Republic against the predatory attacks of political rivals, discontented aristocrats, and would-be military dictators.
Imperium follows Cicero’s triumphs and disasters, through power struggles, civil wars, and personal highs and lows, told through the eyes of Tiro, his loyal secretary. A backstage view of Rome at its most bloody and brutal.
After a sell-out season in the Swan Theatre, Gregory Doran's epic, acclaimed productions of Imperium: The Cicero Plays, based on the bestselling Cicero Trilogy by Robert Harris and adapted by Mike Poulton, will transfer to London’s Gielgud Theatre for a strictly limited Season from 14 June. Richard McCabe and Joseph Kloska will reprise their roles as Cicero and Tiro.