From page to stage to screen, the magic is real at Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway. Prepare to see the characters that you've known and loved in a thrilling new adventure that begins 19 years after the events of The Deathly Hollows. The entirety of the Lyric more...
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child opened at the Lyric Theatre (Broadway) on Sunday Apr 22, 2018 and has now been running for 6 years.
Price: $40.00
Where: On the TodayTix app.
When: Every Friday, the show will release some of the very best seats in the theatre at $40 for every performance for the following week. Submit your entry from Monday at 12:01AM ET to Friday at 1:00PM ET.
Limit: Two per customer
Information: You can only win the Lottery for each performance once. Entrants are selected at random. Entrants can also enter via mail by mailing an envelope with name, email, phone number, zip code (for up to 2 guests per winner), and desired performance to TodayTix, 32 Avenue of the Americas, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10013.