He is one of the greatest entertainers of all time. Now, Michael Jackson’s unique and unparalleled artistry has finally arrived on Broadway in a brand-new musical. Centered around the making of his 1992 Dangerous World Tour, and created by Tony Award-winning director/choreographer Christopher Wheeldon and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn more...
MJ the Musical opened at the Neil Simon Theatre (Broadway) on Tuesday Feb 01, 2022 and has now been running for 2 years.
Price: $35
Where: https://lottery.broadwaydirect.com/show/mj-ny/
When: The lottery will open the day before the performance. If you are selected as a winner, you have 60 minutes to pay for your tickets.
Limit: Two per customer
Information: Seats are assigned at the discretion of the Box Office and cannot be transferred to other people or performances. PLEASE NOTE: Lottery seats may be partial view.