After a hit three-year run at the Up-Comedy Theatre in Chicago, #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment will move to New York City, beginning performances at The Westside Theatre on June 20, 2019. #DateMe was created by Robyn Lynne Norris who wrote the show along with Bob Ladewig and Frank Caeti. Developed more...
by Diane Alexander and directed by Lorin Lattaro #DateMe features song lyrics by Robyn Lynne Norris, Frank Caeti, Amanda Blake Davis, Bob Ladewig, original music by Julie Nichols and Dan Wessels.
48 million Americans have tried online dating. #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment is the outrageous, true story of one. Robyn is unlucky in love but determined to understand it better, so she logs on to the world's most popular dating site: OkCupid. Creating 38 "undateable" profiles as an interactive scientific investigation into online dating, Robyn unwittingly sets in motion the social experiment of our generation. Part improv, part sketch comedy and entirely hilarious, Robyn makes one conclusive result: there's no algorithm for love.