Set in the blue collar, urban landscape of the 1950's, DRIFT is the hard-hitting new drama where secrets come to a head, difficult choices must be made and devastating consequences must be faced.
Alex Mickiewicz, known for his Broadway performances in "Long Day's Journey into Night" and "Therese Raquin," as well as his Off-Broadway role in "The Last Match," was part of the cast of "Drift." more...
Griffin Osborne, who made his Broadway debut in "Drift," has previously appeared Off-Broadway in 600 Highwaymen's "The Fever" at the Public Theater and is also known for his work in the TV series "A Crime to Remember." more...
Joe Pantoliano, known for his Emmy-winning role as Ralph "Ralphie" Cifaretto on HBO's The Sopranos and his iconic portrayal of Cypher in The Matrix, brought his extensive experience from acclaimed projects like Memento and Bad Boys to the cast of Drift. more...