Eddie Castrodad, who understudied the role of Teddy in the 1986 production of "Cuba & His Teddy Bear" at the Longacre Theatre, shared the stage with notable actors such as Robert De Niro and Ralph Macchio, both making their Broadway debuts. more...
Robert De Niro, widely regarded as one of the greatest American actors, made his Broadway debut in the 1986 play Cuba & His Teddy Bear, adding to his illustrious career that includes Academy Awards for The Godfather: Part II and Raging Bull. more...
Ralph Macchio, best known for his iconic role as Daniel LaRusso in the Karate Kid films and Cobra Kai, once graced the stage in "Cuba & His Teddy Bear." more...
Tom Mardirosian, known for his roles as Agamemnon Busmalis in HBO's Oz and Agt. Kristos Koutris in HBO's The Wire, was also a part of the cast of Cuba & His Teddy Bear. more...