In ' black and blue ' takes Introdans Ensemble for Youth the audience in the imaginative world of Alwin Nikolaïs. The famous American artist made not only works, but also designed light, sound, decor and costumes.
Thanks to Intro dance, that the exclusive right acquired to work some of his more...
magic to dance in Netherlands, we are introduced to his masterpiece ' Crucible '. Also ' Tensile Involvement ' takes a special place amongst the many other works of Nikolaïs success. In this almost sixty years old choreography excel the dancers in a tangle of elastics. The funny ' Blue Journey ' by David Maddy and the beautiful ' Short Circuit ' of Jérôme Meyer interwoven dance on exciting way with movie images.
' This performance should be seen by anyone who is open to pure theater magic. Regardless of the age ' (de Gelderlander)