Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the greatest creations in American fiction. This tale of adventure and self-discovery begins on a raft on the Mississippi River in the 1840s, where Huck, escaping from his drunken father, meets up with Jim, a runaway slave. The story of more...
their journey downstream is an American classic that captures the rhythms, sounds and spirit of life on the big river. The musical numbers include "Do You Want to Go To Heaven," "Waiting for the Light To Shine," "Hand for the Hog," "Muddy Water," "When the Sun Goes Down in the South" and "Worlds Apart." Big River includes deaf, hard-of-hearing and hearing actors performing with both spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL), interweaving music, voice, sign language, dance and storytelling techniques from both hearing and deaf cultures into a unique theatrical event.