Matt Allen, who previously performed as the understudy for Charlie Davenport in the Broadway production of "Annie Get Your Gun," brings a wealth of experience from both Broadway and national tours to his diverse roles on stage. more...
Brent Barrett, known for his extensive work in American theatre, brought his talent to the stage in "Annie Get Your Gun," adding to his impressive resume that includes starring roles in "Closer Than Ever" and the West End revival of "Kiss Me, Kate." more...
Justin Greer, an accomplished actor with a rich history on Broadway including roles in "Shrek the Musical" and "The Producers," is thrilled to be collaborating with the Roundabout Theatre, having previously showcased his talents in the original company of "Annie Get Your Gun." more...
Hollie Howard, a seasoned Broadway performer known for her roles in "Hairspray," "The Little Mermaid," and "The Phantom of the Opera," also showcased her versatile talent in "Annie Get Your Gun." more...
Emily Hsu, who has an impressive Broadway resume including roles in ELF, Spamalot, and Cats, also starred in Annie Get Your Gun, showcasing her versatile talent on the stage. more...
Kate Levering, who was nominated for a Tony Award for her role in the 2001 musical 42nd Street, brings her acclaimed talent to Annie Get Your Gun. more...
Carlos Lopez, who previously portrayed Tommy Keeler in "Annie Get Your Gun" on Broadway, has an extensive career that includes notable roles such as Marcellus in "The Music Man" and Luther Billis in "South Pacific." more...
Susan Lucci, renowned for her iconic role as Erica Kane on All My Children, brought her star power to Broadway when she starred as Annie Oakley in Annie Get Your Gun. more...
Reba McEntire, a multi-media entertainment mogul and Country Music Hall of Fame inductee, showcased her versatile talent in the past by starring in the Broadway revival of "Annie Get Your Gun," further solidifying her status as a powerhouse in both music and theater. more...
Kerry O'Malley, who portrayed Dolly Tate and understudied for Reba McEntire in *Annie Get Your Gun* directed by Graciela Daniele, boasts a diverse career spanning television, film, and notable Broadway performances. more...
Lisa Marie Panagos, an award-winning actress and singer/songwriter, graced the Broadway stage in "Annie Get Your Gun" alongside Reba McEntire and Tom Wopat at the Marquis Theatre, and also starred in the show's first U.S. national tour with Marilu Henner and Rex Smith. more...
Rommy Sandhu, who has an impressive Broadway resume including a past performance in "Annie Get Your Gun," has also contributed his choreography talents to numerous productions such as "Platinum" and "Singin’ in the Rain." more...
Brian Shepard, who has graced the Broadway stage in productions such as My Fair Lady and Spamalot, was also part of the cast in Annie Get Your Gun. more...
Gerry Vichi, recognized for his roles in "Find Me Guilty," "Sex and the City 2," and "Man on a Ledge," showcased his versatile talent in "Annie Get Your Gun." more...
Kent Zimmerman, who graced the Broadway stage in the past with his performances in "Annie Get Your Gun" and "Thou Shalt Not," has also showcased his talents in London's "Show Boat" and numerous national tours, including "The Producers" and "Guys and Dolls." more...