Notable for its masterly blending of comedy and drama and meticulous attention to the ordinary details of everyday life, THE SHOW-OFF revolves around a working class Irish family in North Philadelphia in the mid-1920s. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and their three adult children are thrown into a state of turmoil when Amy, their middle child, brings home a preposterous suitor named Aubrey Piper. A compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur, Aubrey meets his match in Mrs. Fisher, the crusty, no-nonsense matriarch of the family. A battle of wits ensues and the outcome is a vindication (of sorts!) of the American con man.
1924 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1932 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1937 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1950 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1967 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1968 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1992 | Broadway |
Broadway |
2017 | Off-Broadway |
Off-Broadway Revival Off-Broadway |