Do Tell is a monthly comedic storytelling show that showcases a wonderful group of storytellers who tell true, hilarious stories from their own lives. It is hosted by, Danielle K.L. Gregoire, former producer of the Seattle Moth storySLAM and founder of the Comedy Womb (the predecessor to the Comedy Nest). The people on the show are a combination of professional comedians and the people who love to tell stories at dinner parties, and on the bus, and to the grocery store clerks. Plus featured comedian and storyteller, Jennifer Burdette (Wine Shots, Bumbershoot) will be there!
On March 19th we have a lovely list of hilarious storytellers!
Lu Smith
Ashley Clarke
Deirdre Bowen
Michael Lockhart
Cynthia French
Kacie Rahm
Andrew Linstrom
Camille Griep
Plus a featured comedian and storyteller: Jennifer Burdette. Jennifer is a writer, actor and comedian who has been on Joe TV, Funny or Die, Comedy Central and the 2014 Bumbershoot lineup. She was a co-producer and performer in Seattle’s, Wine Shots: Comedy's Happiest Hour. When she is not making people laugh, she can be found covered in dirt, scrambling up the side of a mountain somewhere.
Dial M for Murder
Village Theatre (3/1 - 3/23) | ||
Jersey Boys
Village Theatre (3/18 - 4/27) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Washington Center for the Performing Arts [Stage I] (2/5 - 2/5) | ||
Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B
Harlequin Productions (1/24 - 2/9)
| ||
Tacoma Little Theatre (6/6 - 6/29) | ||
Aspire Community Theatre (2/7 - 2/16) | ||
Rip! A Winkle in Time
Global Works (1/9 - 2/8) | ||
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