Brilliant scientist Stevie returns home in the midst of a devastating personal crisis, only to find her family members on the verge of a critical meltdown in this world premiere production by playwright Kristen Palmer. With a rebellious younger sister, and a mother who is losing her ability to cope, Stevie's research on global climate change starts to mirror the disintegration of her loved ones.
"This piece haunted me when I first read it. It is a passionate, unflinching play that explores the consequences to families' fragile ecosystems when they avoid conflict," says Live Girls! Founder and Artistic Director Meghan Arnette.
Things You Can Do was read as part of ACTLab's The Construction Zone 2015 series under the title The Melting Point, and was selected to be fully produced in 2016 as part of ACTLab.
Things You Can Do features the talents of Aly Bedford, Maria Glanz, Jonah Martin Hannah, Clara Hayes, and Hannah Ruwe. The creative team includes Meghan Arnette (Director), Erin Bednarz (Assistant Director), Jessica Chisum (Dramaturg), Roberta Christensen (Set Designer), Michael Notestine (Costume Designer), Joseph Swartz (Sound Designer), and Trina Wright (Lighting Designer).
Tickets start at $20 and may be purchased online at, by phone at 206.292.7676, or at the ACT Ticket Office at 700 Union Street. Available to ACTPass members.