The Whidbey Island Center for the Arts F2D2 Series presents "The Earth Portal," Thursday, March 29, 2012, at 7:00, 7:45, and 8:30 pm, in Zech Hall.
The Whidbey GeoDome Project is offering a live, interactive preview of its upcoming "The Earth Portal" exhibit at the 50th anniversary celebration of the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. "The Earth Portal," an inflatable immersive visualization environment, will be featured at the Seattle Center for six months beginning on Earth Day, April 21, 2012. You are invited to sample the GeoDome experience, meet our Whidbey team, and learn how this technology is poised to transform both art and science education. Potential uses of the GeoDome on Whidbey will also be explored."The Earth Portal": A Guided Tour of the UniverseStep inside the GeoDome for a tour of NASA's Digital Universe Atlas, the most comprehensive map of the observable cosmos ever created! Embark on a journey through the Universe illuminating the extraordinary conditions and relationships which enable life to thrive on Earth. The Earth Portal is a window on the Universe and our living planet. Beginning in April 2012 this exhibit will:GeoDome shows are limited to 25 people. There will be three half-hour shows. Purchase your tickets early!
For more information about the non-profit Whidbey GeoDome Project:"The Earth Portal" is March 29, 2012 at 7:00, 7:45 & 8:30 pm in Zech Hall. Tickets $10 Adult, $6 Youth 18 & under, for more information on all events, please visit or call 360.221.8268 – 800/638.7631.
The Whidbey Island Center for the Arts and Zech Hall are located at 565 Camano Ave., Langley, WA.