Resolved to try something new in 2015? Vox Fabuli's Winter Puppet classes may be just what you need. For the new year, we're offering three easy ways to dip your toes into the wild, weird world of puppets:
What: Intro to Puppetry
Sunday, January 25th
Cost: $50
In this fun, dynamic class, you'll learn the foundations of good stage puppetry - focus, physical commitment and basic puppet operation.You'll get hands-on time with professional puppets, plus a simple practice puppet to take home.
Registration link:
What: Beginning Stage Puppeteering
Sundays, January 25th - February 15th
Cost: $200
Expand your Intro to Puppetry experience into a full blown workshop.
Over the 4 weeks, students develop their grasp of puppeteering basics into solid skills as we explore the fundamentals of Muppet-style puppeteering in-depth through a combo of easy exercises, wicked challenges, and practical scene work.
Registration link:
What: Basic Puppet Building - Monsters
Saturday, February 7th
10am - 5pm
Cost: $160
Registration link:
Walk in with a sad, naked hand and walk out with a fabulous new puppet friend in this basic class. Learn new skills as you cut, sew (hand and machine) and hot glue your way to a finished puppet. Seattle-based puppeteer Rachel Jackson will guide you step-by-step as you create whatever furry creation your imagination can devise.
All classes take place at the Inscape Arts Building, Studio 230, 815 Seattle Blvd South, Seattle, WA 98134.
*Classes recommended for ages 15 and up
*Class sizes limited to 8
About Vox Fabuli Puppets: Rachel Jackson's Vox Fabuli Puppets specializes in twisting the familiar into dark and humorous shapes. Rachel has been puppeteering on various Seattle stages since 2008, where her work has been called "mad and masterful" by The Seattle Times. The mind behind the hit "MANOS - The Hands of Felt", she more recently brought her talented hands to "Team of Heroes: No More Heroes", "Whedonesque Burlesque" and "Audrey & Nelson: a puppet sex musical". She also co-produces Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam.