The Collision Project a new Seattle-based artistic collaboration, announces its company debut with their production of Marisol by Jose Rivera, directed by The Collision Project's Co-Artistic Director Ryan Higgins (2012 Gregory Award winner for 'Outstanding Actor' in Live! From the Last Night of My Life, former Artistic Director of Balagan Theater) Marisol opens Friday, February 7th 2014 and is performed at The Satori Lab at Inscape in Seattle.
Marisol Perez (Carolyn Marie Monroe) is having a tough day. She barely survived being attacked with a golf club by a babbling lunatic on the subway. Her guardian angel is abandoning her in order to lead the angels in an assault against an old and obsolete God. Her best friend's deranged and violent brother is obsessed with the idea of Marisol and despite having never met Marisol before, is planning for their future child together. A woman who shares her name and face was murdered last night on her block. And that's before Marisol's life gets really weird. As hell on earth engulfs New York and a battle in heaven fills the sky, Marisol finds herself in the middle defending her friends, her life and her own sanity. Gritty realism, unforgettable poetic images, and a delightfully twisted sense of humor thrive in this epic hero quest that travels through the landscape of the city, our society, and our minds with beautiful, wild abandon.
Featuring: Carolyn Marie Monroe (Henry V, The Tempest, End Days), Shermona Mitchell (High School Musical, Reefer Madness), Libby Barnard (25 Saints, The Secret Lives of Russian Girls, Sweet Nothings), Carter Rodriquez (Demon Dreams, Reckless, Le Frenchword), Jill Snyder-Marr (Stuck, Hardball) and Ben D. McFadden (Collision Project Co-Founder, Danny, King of the Basement, The Cider House Rules Part 1 & 2*, The Financial Lives of the Poets). Scenic design by Antoinette Bianco. Lighting design by Sara Torres. Sound Design by Kyle Thompson. Costume design by Jocelyn Fowler, Graffiti design by Shane Cruz, Violence design by Caleb Penn, Antagonist design by Amanda Mae.
*Gregory Award Winner for Outstanding Production(s)
Photo by Casey Broadwater