Thalia's Umbrella, a new professional theater company, announces their first production: the dark comedy A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, by Peter Nichols. Named one of the "most significant" plays of the 20th century by The National Theatre of Great Britain, Joe Egg will be performed now through February 17, 2013, in the Bullitt Cabaret at ACT Theatre, and is produced with support from ACT's Central Heating Lab.
Joe Egg tells the story of a couple who believe it is better to laugh than cry-and fortunately, Brian and Sheila are natural-born entertainers. But one night, ten years into bearing up laughing while caring for their severely disabled daughter, nicknamed "Joe Egg," the wheels of their finely tuned comedy act start to fall off . . .
Thalia's Umbrella is a collaboration between Producing Artistic Director Terry Edward Moore and director Daniel Wilson. "We're both drawn to plays that are funny, but have a bite," Moore says. "Or maybe it's better to say, plays that cut deeply only because they're funny. Joe Egg is the perfect play for us to start with. The line between laughter and tears is very thin-and makes for terrific theater."
This production marks a return the play for Susan Corzatte, who plays Grace. Susan played Sheila in ACT's 1972 production.
Who: Thalia's Umbrella
Where: ACT, The Bullitt Cabaret, 700 Union Street, Downtown Seattle
When: Opens February 1-February 17, 2013
Tickets: Adults: $35; Students: $15; 25 and Under: $15; Seniors: $25; TeenTix: $5
Available to ACTPass holders. Now on sale: (206) 292-7676 or