Tacoma Little Theatre welcomes the community to join them at a special Gala and Silent Auction celebrating its 96th Season. This special fund raising event will be filled with fine wine, fine hors d'oeuvres, and fine entertainment.
The evening will begin with a social hour and then move into the auditorium where staff and board members will present a sneak peek of each of the seven shows in our 96th season which include, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Dial "M" for Murder, Scrooge!, The Great Gatsby, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, The Fox on the Fairway, and Cabaret.
Throughout the course of the evening attendees will be bidding on silent auction baskets themed to each production and enjoying musical entertainment from local performers.
Tacoma Little Theatre's 96th Season Opening Gala and Silent Auction will take place on Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 6:00pm-9:00pm. Tickets are $15.00 per person or $25.00 for each couple and may be purchased online at www.tacomalittletheatre.com, or by calling our Box Office at (253) 272-2281.