Unexpected Productions presents Skid Road: A historical, hysterical improv based on Seattle's history at Unexpected Productions' Market Theater at the Gum Wall. 1428 Post Alley, Seattle, WA 98101-2034. The show opens Friday 7/12 at 8:30 PM, and runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 PM 7/12 - 8/10
Seattle was founded in water and fire, by some of the biggest sons-of-bitches this side of the Mississippi! They fought, schemed, and betrayed each other, but they'd be dammed if they didn't end up creating a hell of a city. Now, Unexpected Productions brings a dark, comedic, improvised version of that history of Seattle.
Skid Road asks the audience what they think about Seattle, and what problems they want to pit against the founders, profiteers, prostitutes and degenerates of the fledgling city. Then the show begins! Starring some of the finest improvisers and actors of the Northwest and the oldest improv theater in town, Skid Road is amusing, a foul-mouthed, rougher-than-life take on the gritty beginnings of the City of Seattle.
It will involve the history of Seattle and some of its founders: Arthur Denny, William Grose, Doc Maynard, Henry and Sarah Yesler, Mother Damnable, Charlie Terry, Asa Mercer and more!
Loosely inspired by HBO's Deadwood, the plays of David Mamet, and the true history of Seattle, Skid Road is a fully improvised retelling of how criminals and drunkards schemed, connived, fought, and yet somehow still managed to create a city. The language will be irreverent and poetic, the content rough, and the show a hilarious hell-of-a-ride!
WARNING: This show is intended for mature audiences only.
Chris Allen
Dave Clapper
Cal Crowner
Randy Dixon
Laurel Ryan
Nick Schell
Sarah Scheller
Greg Stackhouse
Tim Tracey
Elicia Wickstead
Director: Tony Beeman
Dramaturge: Kira Mountjoy-Pepka
Costume Design: Jeannine Clarke
Costume Construction: Christi NorthupVideos