Seattle Shakespeare Company celebrates William Shakespeare's birthday with the liveliest auction in town -- Bill's Bash -- on Sunday, April 19 at the Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center.
This entertaining evening starts with a silent auction with hearty appetizers and drinks at 5:00 PM for VIP Guests and at 5:30 for general admission. Guests can bid on a wide selection of auction items that include fantastic wines and spirits, Shakespeare related packages, and arts and entertainment experiences. A live auction with auctioneer David Silverman is the centerpiece of the event. Some highlights include an exclusive lunch at the Dahlia Lounge with author Garth Stein (author of The Art of Racing in the Rain and the new novel A Sudden Light), a Wooden O performance in your own backyard, a "Sherlock in your home" evening with actor R. Hamilton reading of two Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories, and a week's stay in a luxury condo in Kona, Hawaii. The evening's entertainment will wrap up with a selection of original songs composed specifically for previous Seattle Shakespeare Company productions.Videos