When your love story is built on danger, it can only end badly. Seattle Shakespeare Company will present Medea by Euripides at the Center Theatre at Seattle Center. Kelly Kitchens directs this searing Greek tragedy featuring choreography by Donald Byrd October 18-November 13, 2016.
"People have so many ideas about what Medea is...the rage, the crazy woman," said director Kelly Kitchens at the first rehearsal for the play. "So, I think this is a love story. Honestly, it's a love story that has gone terribly, terribly wrong." Kitchens, in preparing to direct Medea, discovered really just modern a play from 431 BC really is. She cited how female characters like Medea, Electra, and Clytemnestra moved away from the domestic sidelines to take center stage with their experiences and challenge the established order. "It's a protofeminist play. It's a play and story for today. It's a play and story for the marginalized, for the broken-hearted, and for the betrayed." "I think the play is arguing for understanding of her actions, as horrific as they may be. And understanding what happens when you do push someone to The Edge. When you do marginalize them and just keep pushing them out," said Kitchens. "She's not crazy. She is not mad. She is a human being that's been pushed to The Edge. And the tragedy is in that."Videos