Seattle Opera has announced that due to the ongoing health crisis, they have cancelled their first production of the 2020/21 season, Pagliacci and Cavalleria rusticana.
In a statement, they shared:
Given the restrictions in place, it is with sadness that we announce the cancellation of Pagliacci and Cavalleria rusticana, the first production of the 2020/21 season at McCaw Hall scheduled for August. This is another deep loss for our company, our artists, and for you-our community of opera, music, and arts lovers. We are disappointed to witness the closed doors of cultural institutions across the region, an inevitable consequence of the danger the COVID-19 virus poses for all of us working in the arts and for all of you, our audience members. Though we are not at all alone in this decision, it doesn't make it any easier.
Even as local public health and government officials constantly monitor the coronavirus, the decision to allow large public events like concerts, sports, and conventions will not happen in time for us to successfully launch the first opera of the season. Rehearsals and pre-production work are scheduled to start in a few short weeks and we cannot complete our work within the guidelines expected to be in place at that time. As you might imagine, our singers, musicians, and technicians need to work in close proximity and we need to protect all of them as well as all of you. More than 220 artists, musicians, and crew are impacted by this cancellation.
As an early subscriber, we realize your intent is to see the entire 2020/21 season and we plan to present as much of it as possible. Last year's opening of the Opera Center, next door to McCaw Hall, could not be more important than it is now. With spaces designed for small events-audiences of up to 250 people-the Opera Center is an integral part of our reopening plan for the season and will likely come before McCaw Hall opens. The Center's Tagney Jones Hall will be used for operas, recitals, talks, masterclasses, and other experiences to fulfill our mission with great creativity. You, our subscribers, will be the very first to enjoy live opera and music again. We ask for your understanding, flexibility and patience during this time as we navigate how we can gather in person again safely. We will be in touch as soon as we know more.