This December 18th & Union and Emmett Montgomery bring Sugar Plum Gary back to life.
In what has become a Christmas tradition for the brave, somewhat beloved and sometimes celebrated comedian and storyteller, Emmett Montgomery returns to 18th and Union for his third year in a row to put on red footie pajamas with Santa Claus faces for feet and become Sugarplum Gary, a "Santanist" who used to not believe in Christmas until one magical Christmas Eve when Santa came to visit and he was the only survivor.
Haunted by the visions that now dance in his head, Gary answers questions from the audience about the festive fun and cosmic horror of the holidays, a magic that is real and ancient and as deep as the space between the stars, in an effort to educate and entertain and ensure that everyone survives the night.
Fridays and Saturdays 12/13-12/21 @ 7:30 & 9:30
Sunday 12/22 @ 5:30 & 7:30
Monday and Tuesday 12/23 & 12/24 @ 7:30
Ticket Prices: $13/$18/$22