Davy Knowles & Back Door Slam, December 12, 2009 @ 9:00pm at The Crocodile (21+)
Price: $15.00, not including applicable fees
Seating: General Admission
On sale date: Friday, October 30th @ 10am
Ticketing information: Online at www.tickets.com, at theCrocodile.com, in person at the Paramount Theatre box office, 24-hour kiosks located outside the Paramount & Moore Theatres, charge by phone at (877) STG-4TIX, or online at www.STGPresents.org.
Every so often a truly explosive, blues-steeped star comes slamming down the pike. Fronting his band Back Door Slam, the 22-year-old British phenomenon with an encyclopedic grasp of blues-rock draws on influences from Robert Johnson to Rory Gallagher, gives it a fresh Celtic feel along the way. As a songwriter, Knowles puts the muscle back into the blues but also offers a progressive, folk-bluesy slant in the brilliant new album, Coming Up for Air.