Pony World Theatre returns to 12th Avenue Arts this summer with their latest creation. Titled American Archipelago, this new play examines the joys and heartaches of being an American today. Working with some of Seattle's most vibrant playwrights, Pony World Theatre has created a tapestry of love and hate letters to this vast and complicated country. Bobbin Ramsey directs this script that was collaboratively composed by Holly Arsenault, Kelleen C. Blanchard, Tré Calhoun, Vincent Delaney, BrenDan Healy, Maggie Lee, Sara Porkalob, and Seayoung Yim.
About American Archipelago:
We welcome you to a quaint little neighborhood called the United States of America. Upscale and working class, where suburban streets wind through packed city blocks, this neighborhood feels like a community - and a powder keg. White picket fences will blur and the American tapestry will start to unravel. Eight next door neighbors from Nashville and New York and Montana and San Francisco will gather at the big block party cookout to grill hotdogs, share recipes, fall in love, murder chickens, and finally tell each other what they think.
About Pony World Theatre:
Pony World Theater combines striking visuals, elastic realities, and boundless imagination into uncommon narratives. Since 2009, the ensemble has been creating playful and evocative performances that engage audiences in meaningful questions.
Written by:
Holly Arsenault, Kelleen C. Blanchard, Tré Calhoun, Vincent Delaney, BrenDan Healy, Maggie Lee, Sara Porkalob, and Seayoung Yim.
American Archipelago, presented by Pony World Theatre
July 27 - August 12
Opening Night: July 27, 8:00 PM
Thursdays - Saturdays
Pay-What-You-Can Performances: July 31 & August 7
All shows start at 8:00 PM
12th Avenue Arts, Mainstage Theatre
1620 12th Ave, Seattle, WA
Tickets are available at archipelago.brownpapertickets.com
$20 General
$15 Seniors, Students, and Industry