ELECTRA By Sophocles, adapted by Frank McGuinness |Directed by Sheila Daniels at Center House Theatre at Seattle Center, Center House Lower Level
When: Low-Priced Preview, Jan 7, 2010
Opens Friday, January 8, 2010
Closes Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursdays-Fridays 7:30 PM
Saturdays 2:00 PM (Jan 16 & 23) & 7:30 PM
Sundays 2:00 PM
Tickets: Call (206) 733-8222 or visit www.seattleshakespeare.org for tickets and information.
Preview Price: $18
Thu/Sat mat/Sun mat: $22.00-$30.00
Fri/Sat: $25.00-$36.00
Groups of 10 or more can purchase tickets at $18/$23 per person.
Description: Treachery and murder line the corridors where Electra mourns the brutal murder of her father by her adulterous mother, Clytemnestra. Grief-stricken and bent on retribution, Electra awaits her brother's return in order to enact her fervent quest for justice. Filled with 90-minutes of raw emotions, this startling family tragedy will leave you shocked, dazed, and breathless for more.
Photo credit: John Ulman

Marya Sea Kaminski and Darragh Kennan

Marya Sea Kaminski and Ellen Boyle

Susanna Burney, Marya Sea Kaminski, Ellen Elizabeth Steves, and Jessie Underhill

Marya Sea Kaminski and Susannah Millonzi

Marya Sea Kaminski
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