A spectacular new production of Disney's The Little Mermaid kicks off at The 5th Avenue Theatre this holiday season. Featuring the critically acclaimed work of Director Glenn Casale, this beloved tale of a young mermaid's coming-of-age adventure is told like never before.
Previously announced casting includes Seattle's own Diana Huey as Ariel and Matthew Kacergis as Prince Eric, with Broadway's Jennifer Allen as Ursula and Steven Blanchard as King Triton. Melvin Abston, Connor Russell and Jamie Torcellini join the cast as Sebastian, Flounder and Scuttle.
BroadwayWorld brings you a first look at the cast in action below!
The 5th Avenue's production will go on to play engagements in cities including Orlando, Cincinnati, Atlanta and Louisville, among others.
Disney's The Little Mermaid plays November 23-December 31, 2016 (press opening Thursday, December 1) at The 5th Avenue Theatre (1308 5th Avenue, Seattle). For single tickets (starting at $36) and information, visit www.5thavenue.org, call (206) 625-1900 or visit the Box Office. Groups (10 or more) may call (888) 625-1418.
Photo Credit: Mark Kitaoka