This madcap comedy centers on George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of the 1950's who are on the brink of a disastrous breakup caused by George's dalliance with a young actress. They receive word that Frank Capra is coming to see their matinee and if he likes what he sees may cast them in his next movie. Unfortunately everything that could go wrong does go wrong due to their daughter's clueless boyfriend and hilarious uncertainty about which play they are performing.
In the cast are: Jay Jenkins, Tom Cook, Karen Hendrickson, Steve Heiret, Cindy Boggio, Tracy Kirkpatrick, Jim Thompson and Melanie Calderwood.
Tickets: $19.00 Adults, $16.00 Seniors/MilitaryTickets. Call 206-533-2000 or visit Phoenix Theatre is located at 9673 Firdale Ave., Edmonds, WA 98020.
Produced with special permission by Samuel French, Inc.