The game's afoot as Noveltease Theatre (Noveltease) stages a new literary burlesque adaptation of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on March 27 & 28 at the Auditorium at University Heights Center.
One of the most indelible characters in the literary canon, Holmes and his methods have fascinated readers for well over a century, spawning numerous adaptations and allowing multiple actors to create their own iconic takes on the characters. Noveltease's upcoming production plays with this legacy of adaptation by featuring three different takes on Holmes. The Noveltease Core Company has devised a trio of adventures from the Holmes canon that will feature a different actor in the title role for each story. Additionally, each featured story is adapted, choreographed, and directed by different Core Company members to further emphasize how readers and creators have interpreted Holmes throughout his long literary life.
At the heart of this nesting trio of mysteries is what happens when the world's most perfect reasoning machine is tested -- or bested. Although Holmes approaches every problem with keen observation and a process of deduction, there are times where passions prevail. Through the art of literary burlesque, Noveltease dances the dialectic between reason and passion to explore Holmes' humanity.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes will be performed on March 27 & 28 at The Auditorium at U-Heights, where Noveltease is a resident company in the U-Heights Theatre Alliance. The show features Noveltease Core Company members Onyx Asili, Jesse Belle-Jones, Fosse Jack, Sailor St. Claire, and Trixie Paprika, along with guest artists Tootsie Spangles and Scarlett Folds.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the first show in Noveltease's second mainstage season, "The Plot Thickens," an exploration of plot-driven storytelling culminating with an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet in October. Noveltease Theatre is the first neo-burlesque company to focus solely on fully-scripted literary burlesque adaptations. Drawing on the historical format of scripted literary adaptations of 1880s burlesque, and infused with contemporary striptease choreography, Noveltease reworks the literary canon for contemporary audiences through feminist, queer, and sex-positive standpoints.
Noveltease Theatre productions are suitable for persons aged 18+
Noveltease Theatre is fiscally sponsored by Shunpike. Shunpike is the 501(c)(3) non-profit agency that provides independent arts groups in Washington State with the services, resources, and opportunities they need to forge their own paths to sustainable success.
Tickets can be purchased beginning February 19. They are available online at or via BrownPaperTickets at