Indigenize Productions Presents Fierce as F*ck: Womxn Are Tired Of Your Sh*t. A Womxn of Color Variety Show
Regardless of patriarchy, of cis-white feminism, and of exploitive and silencing politics, our fierceness rises up from within our soul, surging like electricity through our skin, and emanating from our bodies and our voices and our movements.
So, to our fellow Womxn and Femmes of Color, we invite you to bring your fierceness into this space as our all WoC cast share their stories and their art and their songs. Let's show "progressive Seattle" what fierce womxn of color look like.
It looks like you. It looks like us.
And to everyone else, you can come too.
But this is for us.
Indigineze Productions is the creative force behind the sold-out You Don't Have To Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here, an Indigenous Variety show and the Indigenous Takeover edition of Spin the Bottle.
"Fierce as F*ck: Womxn Are Tired of Your Shit" is a one-night-only Womxn of Color variety show featuring performance art, music, poetry/spoken word, burlesque, dance, and more.
Saturday March 9
Doors at 7 | Show at 8
Tickets $10-$50 Purchase Tickets