The It Gets Better theater project is described as the upbeat, exciting, and funny narrative and musical that includes moments of pain and pathos from the "It Gets Better" you tube videos and project, started by Seattle's Dan Savage. The work explores what "better" means for LGBT youth through stories, songs and multimedia on an array of challenging themes. With its unqualified support of all young people, It Gets Better creates and unites allies in solidarity against the pervasive (and growing) climate of bullying and teen violence.
Monday, February 18th
It Gets Better Company Karaoke Night!
Come sing along with the fabulous LA Men's Chorus at Purr Cocktail Lounge
Tuesday, February 19th
It Gets Better- World Café - 6:30PM-8PM
What: Panel of Community Leaders (approx 6) w/ moderator start discussion (60 min)
followed by roundtable and in depth discussion in smaller groups (30-60 min)
Topics: What is "It Gets Better?" How does this program help young LGBTQ youth? What can we do as people who create impact in our community?
Venue: Vera Project, Seattle Center
Who: Free & Open to the Public
Guest panelists will include: Jeff Hedgepeth (Pride Foundation), Raven Taylor (Seattle Queer Youth Space & Youth Speaks), more to be added.
Tuesday, February 19th (Garfield High School) and
Wednesday, February 20th (TOPS K-8)
It Gets Better- School Programs
What: Scenes from the live production of It Gets Better, sharing of company members personal stories, song selections, Q&A with audience.
Who: 250 students at Garfield HS, and K-8th graders at TOPS K-8 School (Eastlake)