Bohemian Dream presents Hope: Lost & Found - consisting of 2 original one-acts - Snapshot and Teller. These world-premiere plays explore the subject of hope, an integral facet of the human psyche, both the darkness of losing hope and the light in finding it.
Snapshot - For Bill, something feels wrong about this particular day. As his wife returns home from work he is faced with a pervading fear that, if true, will forever alter his relationship. Delve into the aftermath of addiction as a husband and wife confront the long-term effects of alcoholism.Teller - A bank teller's life can be quite mundane and Carolyn's is no different until...SURPRISE! - CONFESSION! - DRAMA! - FIGHTING! Spend some time with Carolyn, a recently divorced, big-hearted Bank Teller who has lost all hope in the romance department until a bit of hope comes her direction.Now playing during The Seattle Fringe Festival at the Richard Hugo House - Sat, Sept 21 @ 4 PM | Sun, Sept 22 @ 2 PM. Tickets $10. Runs just under an hour. www.seattlefringefestival.orgVideos