Fun for the whole family, Metropolitan Performing Arts (MPA) presents Honk Jr, a delightful adaptation of the beloved fable and award-winning musical that is a heartwarming celebration of what makes us special. Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother's protective flapping. Feeling rather foul about himself, the little fowl finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along the way, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out being different is not a bad thing to be.
Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling (360) 975-1585. Performance dates: opening Thursday, June 6th at 7:00pm, Friday, June 7th at 7:00pm, Saturday, June 8th at 2:00pm and 6:00pm and Sunday, June 9th at 12:30pm and 4:00pm. Run time is approximately 90 minutes with a 10-minute intermission.
Performances are June 6th-9th, 2019 at the new Metropolitan Performing Arts location in Vancouver, WA. Eventually, this new location will be a full operating black box theater. This production is directed by Mark Martin, music directed by Kris Heller and co-choreographed by Megan Smith and Elton Rae-Frice. Cast members include 19 young performers part of the Musical Theatre Program at MPA.
Metropolitan Performing Arts (MPA) is a Vancouver based non-profit academy and community theater that offers professional, technique driven classes in acting, dance, music and tech. Their mission is to enrich the community by providing performance and educational opportunities in the live arts. The cast of Honk Jr is part of the Musical Theater Program. The program's focus is to train 'Triple Threats'- talented individuals who can sing, dance and act with equal accomplishment. For more information, visit