On an isolated, magical island, Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan and self-taught sorcerer lives in banishment. For years, his only company has been his brave young daughter, an airy magical spirit and an enslaved monster. Despite the passage of time, Prospero hungers for revenge and the opportunity comes when a powerful storm shipwrecks his usurping brother, other nobles, and some very colorful characters on the island. Shakespeare's final and most personal play, The Tempest is a powerful and often funny story of love, forgiveness and redemption.
Friday, July 8 - 7pm - Seward Park
Saturday, July 9 - 7pm - Volunteer Park - SOTF
Sunday, July 10 - 7pm -Seward Park
Thursday, July 14 - 7pm - Lower Woodland Park
Friday, July 15 - 7pm - Judkins Park
Saturday, July 16 - 7pm - Woodland Park*
Sunday, July 17 - 7pm - Volunteer Park
Thursday, July 21 - 7pm - Lincoln Park
Friday, July 22 - 7pm - Lincoln Park
Saturday, July 23 - 7pm - Dottie Harper Park, Burien
Thursday, July 28 - 7pm - Lynndale Park, Lynnwood
Friday, July 29 - 7pm - Fall City Park
Saturday, July 30 - 7pm - Camp Long
Sunday, July 31 - 3pm - Discovery Park
Thursday, August 4 - 7pm - Magnuson Park
Friday, August 5 - 7pm - Redmond City Hall Park
Saturday, August 6 - 7pm - Magnuson Park*
Sunday, August 7 - 3pm - Magnuson Park*
Friday, August 12 - 7pm - Volunteer Park
Saturday, August 13 - 3pm - Volunteer Park *
* Denotes Double Feature Days with Antony and Cleopatra in the same park.
SOTF - Seattle Outdoor Theater Festival
GreenStage's mission is to inspire our audiences to engage in live theatre as part of their recreation. We wish to instill and foster in our community an appreciation for live theater, with a strong belief that theater can be enjoyed in the same spirit as a picnic or a ball game. We make high-quality theatrical productions of Shakespeare's plays freely accessible to all residents and visitors to Seattle and King County.
Our productions are free, fun, and family oriented, focusing on the text and story of the play. The talent of our artists, the beauty of the natural park spaces, and the imagination and participation of our audiences creates inspiring productions that allow everyone involved to experience live theatre, and Shakespeare in particular, in new ways. Shakespeare's characters and words come to life in eye-opening ways when heard in these intimate, outdoor performances, and GreenStage's patrons, fans, and participants, all join together to help keep theatre freely accessible to all.