Stone Soup Theatre announces its 2012-13 season, including nine comedy pieces in Dynamic Duo, A Child's Christmas in Wales, 5X Tenn, and more to be announced. See full details below.
Dynamic Duo9 short comedy pieces by Shel Silverstein and David Ives
Directed by Maureen Hawkins
Oct 19 - Nov 11, 2012
Sometimes saying the right thing can be very wrong. This one-of-kind event features a sweet and sour salad of side-splitting shorts that explore the (often clumsy) art of communication: from one woman's coming to terms with the fact that she is becoming a bag lady to philisophical discussions between three monkeys, as they type into infinity, in the hopes of creating "Hamlet".
A Child's Christmas in Wales
Adapted from the Dylan Thomas poem.
Directed by Leslie Spero
Dec 7 - 24, 2012
Back again for the 2012 Christmas season! Celebrate the holiday magic of Dylan Thomas' childhood Christmas. Featuring youth and adult performers.
5X Tenn
Directed by Ellen Graham
Feb 15 - Mar 9, 2013
Five years ago, our production of 5x Tenn (directed by Julie Beckman) was a west coast premiere that drew both press and audience acclaim. Stone Soup is pleased to bring back 5 more one-act plays compiled from archives after Tennessee's death and seldom produced. The material ranges from the angst of living in a fictional distopian society with "The Chalky White Substance" to the universal feeling of loneliness in "Talk To Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen". We are happy to have Tennesse back!
April 19 - May 5, 2013