Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, under the leadership of Executive Director Stacie Burgua, announces the cast of Franklin & Figaro, by Kristina Sutherland. The production, directed by the playwright, features Bob Atkinson, Tom Churchill, Ed Cornachio, Patricia Duff, Deana Duncan, David Gignac, Dave Mayer, L. Bennett Nolen, and Katie Woodzick.
Performances will begin at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, 565 Camano Avenue, on Friday, June 12 and continue through Saturday, June 27.
Tickets range in price from $12 to $16, with discounts available for students and groups, and are available from www.WICAonline.com or 360.221.8268 - 800/638.7631.
Set in 1776, Franklin and Figaro begins with Benjamin Franklin's legendary arrival in France.
Lauded for his exploits in physics, philosophy, and philandering, Franklin trigged a wave of
whispers, shrieks, and sighs especially among the upper-crust society of Madame Du Deffand's (L. Bennett Nolen) salon. This action-packed, and mostly true, story follows the high stakes adventures of Pierre Beaumarchais (David Gignac), the Parisian playwright who wrote The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville. As the aging Madame DuDeffand fights for control of her changing world, young upstart Pierre Beaumarchais runs guns for Franklin's American Revolution in the pursuit of liberté, fraternité, and cold hard cash!
A revolutionary farce.
Opening Night Reception
Friday, June 12 following the 7.30pm performance.
The Edgecliff Restaurant will host the Opening Night (post-show) reception at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts. The Edgecliff Restaurant and Lounge is Langley's first choice for tasty meals and an amazing atmosphere. The Edgecliff has a full bar and lounge that stays open late!
Post-Play Talk
Sunday, June 21, 4pm
On Sunday, June 21, the Production Team and Company will engage in a discussion following the 2pm matinee performance; the event will be free and open to the public. Additional information about the discussion, including speakers and other participants, will be announced at a later date. Patrons interested in attending only the discussion should arrive at WICA at 4pm.
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, 565 Camano Avenue, Langley, Washington.
WHEN: All Performances: June 12 - June 27, 2009
Evening (Friday - Saturday) performances at 7.30pm
Matinee (Sunday) performances at 2pm
Kristina Sutherland (Director), Jason Dittmer (Scenic Design), Val Johnson (Costume Design), Ann CW Deacon (Lighting Design), Larry Woolworth (Properties), and Cally Beers (Stage Manager).
Bob Atkinson (Prologue), Tom Churchill (Lord Stormont), Ed Cornachio (Jacques),
Patricia Duff (Lady Luxembourg), Deana Duncan (Mme. Vergennes), David Gignac (Beaumarchais),
Dave Mayer (Daniel/Cecile), L. Bennett Nolen (Mme. du Deffand), and Katie Woodzick (Gabrielle).
TICKETS: Tickets range in price from $12 to $16, with discounts available for students and groups, and are available from www.WICAonline.com or 360.221.8268 - 800/638.7631