Aggressively involve and engage your audience. Let THEM decide the content! Starting February 7, 2011, The Central Heating Lab at ACT Theatre launches an exciting theatrical twist on this ever-evolving concept with the first of four provocative Seattle Confidential productions created by Ian Bell.
Seattle Confidential is part interactive social experiment, part voyeuristic theatre event. Each quarter, Seattle Confidential's creator Ian Bell will present a new theme, then invite the public to ANONYMOUSLY share their most personal stories, inspired by that theme. Submission guidelines and online submission forms are at Written submissions can also be left at one of five drop boxes placed around town (Capitol Hill Drop Boxes @ Bauhaus Books & Coffee, 301 E. Pine; Elliot Bay Book Co., 1521 10th Ave; in U-District Drop Box @ Twice Sold Tales, 4501 Univ. Ave; Belltown Drop Box@ Bedlam Coffee, 2231 2nd Ave; Georgetown Drop Box @ All City Coffee, 1205 S. Vale St). The theme for the February 7, 2001 Seattle Confidential Event is "Virginity Lost" and submissions must be received by January 31, 2011.Everyone has a few stories they would never tell their family, should never tell their friends, but could perhaps tell a room full of strangers. Seattle Confidential makes this spill-the-beans-dream a reality; and with help from Seattle's talented actors as well as the comfortable cloak of anonymity, the voyeuristic playwright can silently bond with today's equally inquisitive audience.Videos