Stone Soup Theatre opens its 2013-2014 season with the familiar and the new!
A Child's Christmas in Wales
The Long Christmas Dinner opens December 6!
Journey to both sides of the pond with two short plays this holiday season. Travel to Wales and celebrate the joy of memories and family, then return to the States with an American Christmas and beloved playwright, Thornton Wilder.
One of the most enduring, yet oft-forgot holiday memoirs, Dylan Thomas' A Child's Christmas in Wales comes to life, for the 8th season, at Stone Soup Theatre, recreating the nostalgic times of Thomas' childhood Christmas when everything was brighter, better, and more alive. Share Dylan Thomas' holiday memories and bring back a few of your own in this holiday classic perfect for the entire family.
The Long Christmas Dinner is a human, tender play that journeys the lives of several generations of the Bayard family, and some of their Christmas dinners. Spanning 90 years and several generations, this story is lightened with humor of character, and contains a moving quality that is both appealing and forceful. Author, Thornton Wilder, is best known for the hit play, Our Town.
Each year, our production of A Child's Christmas in Wales is different because of the sensibilities of a new director. This production is directed by Ray Woodall. So, for those who make Stone Soup their holiday destination (we have an added treat with Thornton Wilder) or those who have not seem Wales in few years - Christmas Dinner is a great reason to come see Wales again.
Stone Soup Theatre's Youth Conservatory presents
Peter Pan
Date: Monday, September 30, 4pm-7pm
Ages: 8-20
Prepare: Please prepare a 30 second monologue from a play, book or poem.
Join our Youth Conservatory and help Peter Pan save Wendy, Michael and John from Captain Hook. Meet old friends and have fun while journeying with these characters in Stone Soup's adaptation of this classic.
Coming Soon: Doubt by John Patrick Stanley
Set in the Bronx in 1964, Doubt is a clash of wills and generational viewpoints between Sister Aloysius and Father Flynn. This blunt story is filled with empathy for all sides, and is less about scandal than about fascinatingly nuanced questions of moral certainty. Playing sister Aloysius will be Maureen Miko (Artistic Director, Stone Soup) and Jaryl Draper (actor, Stone Soup: Young Man from Atlanta, How I Learned to Drive, and Wdneunfrol Wdors (Language Art)) will be playing Father Flynn.
Spring 2014 Production: TBA
To give us a leg up on finances, and to continue to provide high quality productions, Stone Soup has decided to change our Mainstage Season dates to include a spring show! Instead of October to March, our season will go from December to May. Exciting things are brewing, so be ready for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
Pictured: Hali Scott Smith and Joel Myers in A Child's Christmas in Wales (2012); Photo by Armen Stein.