A dynamic sketch comedy show blending traditional sketches with improv influence, Jukesox offers a refreshing new take on the genre. The show thrives on the chemistry of its cast, who deliver a unique performance each night. Unlike conventional sketches, narratives bleed into one another, with recurring gags and characters enhancing the cohesion – such as Berry the cost-cutting council worker, and Dolfo the insecure home assistant. Drawing inspiration from everyday absurdities, current events, and societal quirks, the material is refined through improv workshops and promises an entertaining exploration of life's absurd intricacies.
Per-Verse (7/31/24-7/25/24)
Corpse Flower (7/31/24-8/25/24)
C Arts Aquila Temple is at C Arts Aquila Temple, Edinburgh.
Per-Verse (7/31/24-7/25/24)
Corpse Flower (7/31/24-8/25/24)
NOW That's What I Call A Musical
Edinburgh Playhouse (2/25 - 3/1) | ||
Dance Base
Dance Base (9/12 - 9/15) | ||
Jonny and The Baptists: The Happiness Index
Traverse (3/12 - 3/13) | ||
Here You Come Again
The King's Theatre (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
125 Live!
Perth Theatre and Concert Hall (9/6 - 9/7) | ||
Perth Theatre (2/1 - 3/22) | ||
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